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VOLPATO 1998 - Art Director PE DUCK short 35 mm Director Actor ALAINS FRESNOT 1995 ZABROISK PINT short 35mm - 1995 Director Isa Castro Art Director ORI STONE 35mm Short - Director David Kullock 1987 Performs Krahô BE SHORT 35mm Prize 1985 São Paulo State Gov. ART DIRECTOR-Director of the Long Reign ABRASASAS Volpato 1984 KARA Performs SHORT 35mm 1984 Art Director ABRASASAS long 35mm Director Reinaldo Volpato SPIN ECHOES...

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VOLPATO 1998 - Art Director PE DUCK short 35 mm Director Actor ALAINS FRESNOT 1995 ZABROISK PINT short 35mm - 1995 Director Isa Castro Art Director ORI STONE 35mm Short - Director David Kullock 1987 Performs Krahô BE SHORT 35mm Prize 1985 São Paulo State Gov. ART DIRECTOR-Director of the Long Reign ABRASASAS Volpato 1984 KARA Performs SHORT 35mm 1984 Art Director ABRASASAS long 35mm Director Reinaldo Volpato SPIN ECHOES URBAN FILMS 1983 short 16mm Producer Director Nilson Villas Boas GIRA 1982 Actor FILMS FOR PURE PLEASURE short 16mm Director Eduardo Poiano 1981 DIRECTOR DEARTE JANIE A 24-35mm long TABLES Director Luiz A . Pereira 1979 Producer ORO AVERAGE 35mm Director Augusto Sev TURN FILMS 1979 Actor-PRODUCER MARY PAIX short 35mm Director Reinaldo Volpato 1979 SPIN ART DIRECTOR FILMS-THE WAY OF THE INDIES 35mm long Dir. A. Sev GIRA 1979 FILMS Producer QUESTION OF LOVE Short 16mm Dir Reinaldo Volpato FILMS TURN 1978 TURN Performs Kinema short 16mm FILM DIRECTOR 1978 DEARTE-35mm long DIACUI Director Ivan Kudruna 1978 Scenography ALICE AVERAGE 16mm Director Joo Batista de Andrade 1977 - Held IDENTITY short 16mm GIRA 1977 Actor DANIEL HENCHMEN FILMS OF GOD 35mm long Dir. JB Reim .1976 Producer GILDA 35mm Short Director Augusto Sev TURN FILMS 1976 - SCIO-founder, producer producer FILMS TURN until 1986. ART STUDIO GALLERY PLASTICAS Exhibition 2004 Exhibition 2003 Exhibition space PITANGA gastronomic gastronomical space bar Pitanga-2002 Central Arts Exhibition-So Paulo-2001 Exhibition bar Francis Bacon Exhibition 1999 So Paulo bar Helena - Sao Paulo - bar Balco Exhibition 1997 - So Paulo - bar Ofili Exhibition 1995 - So Paulo - 1994 Exhibition Snack bar So Paulo - bar Royal Exhibition 1992 - So Paulo - Paulista 1991 VI Salo SEC Contemporary Art So Paulo 1988 IAB Exhibition Hall IV 1988 Sao Paulo Paulista Sao Paulo Art Contemporary SEC 1986 Performance EXHIBITIONS Centro Cultural Sao Paulo Exhibition 1985 S Lights bar Paul Banco Itau 1983 Exhibition 1982 Exhibition Sao Paulo Sao Paulo Spazio Pirandello 1982 Exhibition Bookstore Fresta So Paul II 1980 National Salo plastic arts Funarte Rio de Janeiro 1980 I Salo National plastic arts - Funarte Rio de Janeiro 1979 Exhibition Gallery Sunflower Campinas III Salo 1973 Young Contemporary Art Sal Campinas 1972 the Bureau of Tourism and Sports USP Sao Paulo 1968 Colgio Salo's Progress Bronze Medal 1968 Campinas Colgio Salo's Progress - Campinas - 1967

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